Thursday, September 30, 2010

Getting to Know the Grapefruit

healthy foods - grapefruit
Have you ever wondered why a grapefruit is called a grapefruit, when it actually looks so much like an orange than a grape? With fruits shaped like an oblate spheroid—think of the shape of our beloved mother Earth— yellow-orange skin, and a segmented, acidic flesh, grapefruits bear a striking resemblance to the omnipresent orange except that it is bigger and has a tangier and somewhat bitter taste.

So, why is a grapefruit called a grapefruit? 

Some sources say that the idea behind its name is taken from the manner whereby they grow—in clusters just like bunches of grapes. Another explanation provided states that it was named as such since unripe grapefruits bear a strong resemblance to the shape of premature green grapes. Setting aside name origins, grapefruits are included among the excellent sources of Vitamin C. Because the latter is a major immune system booster, eating grapefruits benefit the body by keeping it strong and resilient, hence decreasing its risk of illnesses. The grapefruit owes the red-pink coloring of its flesh to lycopene, a carotenoid phytonutrient. And lycopene also has its unique health merits, one of  which is its supposed ability to work against tumor formation.

Written By: Maris Modesto

1 comment:

  1. Grapefruit is a very beneficial fruit for our health and fitness.
    It is a good source of the calcium and vitamin C.
    Grapefruit juice is an ideal drink for the fat burning and weight loss.
    The regular use of the grapefruit juice help a lot to get rid of the obesity, diabetes, and hepatitis.

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